How we turned the most feared curve of the pandemic into one of hope.
#FlattenTheCurve' was created to unify people and lessen the impact of the pandemic by slowing down and lowering the graph of positive cases. While countries and communities fought to bring this graph lower, there was another graph that was gradually growing lower – that of its happiness quotient. Lockdowns resulted in businesses being severely hit. Families were apart, friends separated, and careers and livelihoods disrupted. In short, the overall environment was one of despair. To turn things around, Britannia decided to do something special on World Smile Day - a simple but powerful reminder to stay positive and cheerful even in the face of odds.
Campaign Elements: Topical Video for World Smile DayCredits: Director - Siddharthshankar Shukla, Music Director - Shubhojit Mukherjee, Production - Colonial Films